May 27, 2021
Congratulations to Fr. Jorge who is celebrating his 40th anniversary of ordination into the priesthood, on Penticost Sunday, June 6, 1981.
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August 16, 2020
You can attend the Sunday Masses at St. Joseph Church which are celebrated outside in the church parking lot: English Mass at Noon and Spanish Mass at 6:00 PM. Both are Livestreamed on the Mammoth Catholic Church Facebook Page. Wear a face mask and bring a hat or other protection from the summer sun since there is minimal shade there. For those participating online, they may go to the Church to receive Holy Communion immediately following each Mass for about 30 minutes. There is no daily Mass, but St. Joseph Church remains open for private prayer from Noon to 8:00 PM daily.
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September 30, 2018
The budget of the Diocese of Stockton for this year is $2,300,000 to cover expenses on education and formation of Seminarians, Deacons, Catechists, various Pastoral Ministries including immigrant services, etc. Every Parish of the Stockton Diocese contributes according their ability. St. Joseph Parish needs to raise $23,245. As of September 4, we have reached 81% of our assessment. Remember that every dollar you give is going to be used to build the Kingdom of God. Click on the image to read more about the Bishop's Ministry Appeal, or go to the Online Giving page to contribute.
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June 15, 2018
The St. Joseph Parking Lot has been reopened for those attending Mass. It has been completely reconstructed and repaved. Painting of the individual spaces will be done shortly. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding during this project.
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June 3, 2018
Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ - My Dear People of God, On the first weekend of the month of June, we celebrate the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ. We begin the month by focusing on the summit of our Catholic Faith, the Holy Eucharist. The entire month of June can be a great time for all of us to strengthen our relationship with Jesus in the Eucharist. ... Click on the photo to read the complete message.
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May 6, 2018
Todos los Martes a las 7 p.m. en la Casa Parroquial de San José a partir del 15 de Mayo.
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April 14, 2018
Nuestra Diócesis cuenta con una estación de Radio Católica con una programación muy instructiva e interesante. Pueden escucharla conectándose al siguiente enlace de internet: http://unidosporcristoymaria.com/Radio/upcm_radio.html. Escuchen al Padre Jorge Román los Martes a las 12 del día y al Padre Sergio Román los Martes a las 8:30 de la noche.
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April 7, 2018
While Fr. Jorge is on vacation, there will not be a morning Mass from Tuesday, April 10 through Friday, April 13.
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March 31, 2018
Para todos los que van a bautizar el 7 de Abril a las 11 a.m. o quienes se preparan para futuras fechas o en otra Parroquia, les recordamos que tendremos las pláticas requeridas de preparación este Miércoles 4 de Abril a las 6 p.m. en la Iglesia de San José. Por favor, eviten traer niños para evitar distracciones.
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March 31, 2018
Click on the icon for the full schedule of Holy Week activities.
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March 3, 2018
The campaign for the Diocese of Stockton Bishop's Ministry Appeal is in full swing. The budget of the Diocese of Stockton for this year is $2,300,000 to cover expenses on education and formation of Seminarians, Deacons, Catechists, various Pastoral Ministries including immigrant services, etc. Every Parish of the Stockton Diocese contributes according their ability. St. Joseph Parish needs to raise $23,245. Remember that every dollar you give is going to be used to build the Kingdom of God. Please Help. Click on the image for more information.
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February 18, 2018
El poder de la Iglesia está en la oración. Cuando oramos con fe, tengamos por seguro que nuestras plegarias son escuchadas. Cuando lo hacemos en grupo, el Señor nos garantiza que cuando hay dos o más reunidos en oración, El estará presente en medio de nosotros. No te pierdas la oportunidad de presentar tus oraciones al Señor en el grupo de Oración todos los Lunes a las 6 p.m. en el Templo Parroquial.
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February 11, 2018
No podemos amar a quien no conocemos, por eso necesitamos conocer a Dios para poder amarlo. Cada Cristiano debe conocer la Palabra de Dios, es por eso que cada uno debe de tener la Biblia y conocerla a fondo. Si no tienes Biblia, adquiérela en la Oficina Parroquial o solicítala al Padre Jorge. Conoce a fondo la Palabra de Dios participando en el curso de Sagradas Escrituras todos los Martes a las 7 de la noche en la Casa Parroquial.
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January 27, 2018
María Pérez dedicated her effort and talent in making beautiful scarves and beanies that you may buy at the end of the Mass at St. Joseph Church. The profits will go towards construction of the Parish Hall. Please, help in this noble cause.
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November 17, 2017
The Diocese of Stockton is celebrating with the annual pilgrimage to the Stockton Arena . If you can go in representation of our Parish, please contact Fr. Jorge Román. For the festivities of the Virgin of Guadalupe in our Parish on December 11, contact Marisela Ayala at 760-914-0575 if you want to bring food or if you want to present a dance or a song.
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November 11, 2017
KEEP IN MIND that as we weep with those who weep, as we suffer with those who suffer, we ask God for the wisdom and guidance necessary we need as a people to advance a culture of life and respect for the human person. We must not be afraid to review all laws and policies asking two questions: Can we do better in promoting the common good of all the people? Can we improve the way we respect, honor and protect all persons in our society? We must open our minds and hearts and be willing to change our way of thinking so as to be more in accord with the way of God. Jesus called this change of heart “conversion.” Bishop Stephen Blaire
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August 30, 2017
Our web host, eCatholic, describes effective ways to help the Catholic communities devastated by Hurricane Harvey. For more information, click on the picture and do what you can to help.
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July 8, 2017
Mrs. America Hernández is seeking dynamic adult leaders to help in our new parish Youth Ministry. We are hoping to provide a 6th-8th and 9th-12th grade program with your help. If you or someone you know is interested, please contact America Hernandez at (760)934-4450 for more information.
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May 6, 2017
Please note that the time listed for the Sunday Spanish Mass in the May 7 Bulletin (5:30 PM) is incorrect. The correct time is 6:00 PM.
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January 22, 2017
On January 10, 2017, the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Eastern District of California, Judge Christopher M. Klein, Presiding, approved the Roman Catholic Bishop of Stockton’s consensual Plan of Reorganization. The Plan received nearly unanimous approval in voting by the sexual abuse survivors and other creditors. Click on the icon to read the full article.
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