The Parish Offertory Program Pastor Committee has concluded that our 35 parishes within the Diocese of Stockton will embark together, As One Church to continue the Offertory Program in 2019. Pastors will soon receive a letter from Bishop Cotta regarding the Parish Offertory Campaign with Parish Offertory Participation Committee forms, Timeline, and RSVP forms for the upcoming Parish Offertory Workshops to be conducted by Bannon and Associates, Inc. All Pastors, Priests, Office Business Administrators, Parish and Finance Council Members and Parish Offertory Committee Members are to attend one of the workshops below. Parish Offertory Workshops: 8/22/2019- 10:00 am, St. Frances of Rome Church, Riverbank. 8/22/2019- 6:00 pm, Church of the Presentation, Stockton. 8/23/2019- 10:00 am, St. Patrick Church, Angels Camp. If you can participate on the St. Joseph Offertory Committee, please call Fr. Jorge or the Parish Office. For additional information or if you have any questions, please contact the Development Office at 209-466-0636.