The 2023 Bishop's Ministry appeal is underway. The theme of the campaign this year is "Eucharist Received, Eucharist Lived!" Click on the image to view Bishop Myron Cotta's video on the Bishop's Ministry Appeal. The second collection at the Masses the weekend of April 23 will be for the Bishop's Ministry Appeal. Please help us reach our goal.
Dear Friends and Benefactors: This year 2020 will be an unforgettable one because the pandemic. It has affecting us all over the World in many different ways. We discovered how vulnerable we are and we have been affected personally or with someone close to us who became sick or die because of the Coronavirus. Many people are struggling with the lack of jobs and because they don’t have enough income to survive and we were forced to reinvent ourselves and to learn things that we never thought we ever need. . . Click on the image to read the complete letter.
The budget of the Diocese of Stockton for this year is $2,300,000 to cover expenses on education and formation of Seminarians, Deacons, Catechists, various Pastoral Ministries including immigrant services, etc. Every Parish of the Stockton Diocese contributes according their ability. St. Joseph Parish needs to raise $23,245. As of September 4, we have reached 81% of our assessment. Remember that every dollar you give is going to be used to build the Kingdom of God. Click on the image to read more about the Bishop's Ministry Appeal, or go to the Online Giving page to contribute.