June 8, 2021
Congratulations to Fr. Jorge as he celebrates his 40th Anniversary of ordination into the Priesthood. This month he will travel to all the parishes in California where he has served during his many years here. He will be celebrating special Masses in those parishes according to the following schedule. . . Sunday the 6th in Mammoth Lakes and the Missions. . . Saturday June 12 in Our Lady of Fatima in Modesto, CA at 6:00 PM. . . Sunday June 13 in The Holy Family Center in Tracy, CA at 1:30 PM. . . Monday June 14 in Saint Timothy Church in San Mateo, CA at 6:00 PM. . . Tuesday June 15 in Our Lady of The Pilar in Half Moon Bay, CA at 6:00 PM. . . Wednesday June 16 in Saint Peter Church in San Francisco, CA at 12:00 PM. . . Saturday June 26 in Saint Emydius Church in Lynwood, CA at 7:00 PM. . . Tuesday June 29 in Holy Cross Church in Moorpark, CA at 7:00 PM. . . Also, click on the image to read Fr. Jorge's essay: "My First 40 Years of Priesthood." . . . Revised schedule: My Dear Friends: Once again I realize that if you want God Laugh, just tell Him your plans. Taking advantage that Monsignor Adolfo Valdivia, a Missionary from Unbound is comming on the weekend of June 26 and 27, I was planing to Celebrate Mass in Saint Emydius in Lynwood and Holy Cross Church in Moorpark, but because my two brothers Jairo and Sergio got seriously Ill, I had to cancel both Celebrations to be with them in Mexico City and try to be useful for them in any way. Please pray for the health and soon recovery of my two brothers. Thank you. Fr. Jorge Román. . . Muy Queridos Amigos: Una vez más confirmo que si quieres hacer reír a Dios, cuéntale tus planes. Aprovechando que viene Monseñor Adolfo Valdivia, Misionero de Unbound el fin de Semana del 26 y 27 de Junio, tenía planeado ir a Celebrar Misas en San Emigdio en Lynwood y en Holy Cross en Moorpark, pero debido a la repentina enfermedad de mis hermanos Jairo y Sergio, he tenido que cancelar ambas celebraciones para estar con mis Hermanos en la Ciudad de México y ver si puedo ser de ayuda para ellos. Por favor oren por su pronta recuperación. Gracias. Pbro. Jorge Román.
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June 8, 2021
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, As we leave the month of May, dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary, we now move into June, the month dedicated to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus. As the home is referred to as the domestic church, there is a custom to have homes & families consecrated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. To have the enthronement of an image of the Sacred Heart has been a popular Catholic devotion over the years. . . Click on the image to read the complete message.
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