October 23, 2020
My Dear People of God, As November the 3rd quickly approaches, we are reminded of the importance of participating in our civic duty to vote. I encourage those who have not yet cast their vote to prayerfully do so. As Catholics, we are to approach this duty as informed individuals on the pressing issues at hand. . . Click on image to read the complete address.
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October 17, 2020
On October 3, 2020, Pope Francis signed the encyclical Fratelli Tutti in Assisi, Italy. The encyclical focuses on fraternity and social friendship. Click on the image to link to the encyclical in both English and Spanish, Archbishop Gomez's statement, highlights from the presentation of Fratelli Tutti, and a letter from the Apostolic Nuncio Christophe Pierre.
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October 2, 2020
Brothers and Sisters, It brings me great joy to share some good news with you about the most recent update to our counties' tier status in regard to places of worship. On the second page of this document you will find the status of each county within our diocese. As we start tore-open in some counties, I want to remind you to care for one another by maintaining at least a six-foot distance between those of different households and staying home if you are feeling sick. It is a great blessing to be able to celebrate Mass indoors as a community again. If you and your family are not at risk or vulnerable to the virus, I encourage you to take advantage of this blessing and attend Mass in person. It is recommended to those who are at risk and vulnerable to the virus to participate in the Mass by way of live streaming. With regard to outdoor Masses, they are still encouraged to continue as they allow for greater attendance. . . Click on the image to read the complete update and the Guidelines for Returning to Indoor Masses.
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October 2, 2020
My Dear People of God, As we find ourselves in this time of uncertainty, prayer for our personal peace of mind and heart is urgent at this time. This month of October is the month dedicated to the Holy Rosary. If you and your families have not yet embraced this powerful prayer form, I highly recommend that you do so. It will bring many essential graces for you and your family at this time of difficulty. . . Click on the image to read the complete letter.
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