On Opposing Proposition 1
My Dear People of God,
On November 8, you will be asked to cast a ballot to either support or oppose Proposition 1 which supports abortion for all nine months of pregnancy, without restrictions or any limits, and would be written into the constitution of our State of California. Proposition 1 was passed by the state legislation and it was signed by Governor Newsom. Now, it will go to a vote by the people of California needing a simple majority for its approval.
The Bishops of California have made defeating this proposition our major priority. It is important that Catholics in California are educated and well informed on this bill. We need to encourage others to take a stand and oppose it.
Let us support the “No on Prop 1 Campaign” with our prayers, penance and financial support. More information is available on the website of the California Catholic Conference (No On Prop 1 | California Catholic Conference (cacatholic.org) and our diocesan Life & Dignity webpage: Life Resources & Current Events - Diocese of Stockton - Stockton, CA (stocktondiocese.org). Resources have them been sent to all of our parishes.
Please join the Bishops of California in a novena for the defeat of Proposition 1. It will begin on September 29, the Feast of the Archangels, and conclude on October 7, the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary. Novena related information can be found at https://cacatholic.org/prop1.
Thanks for your attention in regard to this most critical situation within our State of California.
In the Peace of Christ,
Bishop Myron J. Cotta
Respect Life